Green Microextraction Analytical Solutions - GMAS Laboratory-
Gionfriddo Research Group
Our Publications
List of peer-reviewed research articles, reviews, book chapters and other contributions.
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H Martínez-Pérez-Cejuela, ML Williams, C McLeod, E Gionfriddo
Analytica Chimica Acta 1345, 343746
68-Characterization of a mixed mode fluorocarbon/weak anion exchange sorbent for the separation of perfluoroalkyl substances
A A Olomukoro, R Xie, F X Fernandez Paucar, C DeRosa, N D Danielson, E Gionfriddo
Journal of Separation Science 47 (16), 2400413
67-Green and sustainable evaluation of methods for sample treatment in drug analysis
H Martínez-Pérez-Cejuela, E Gionfriddo, P Campíns-Falcó, JM Herrero-Martínez, S. Armenta
Green Analytical Chemistry 10, 100125
66-Evolution of Green Sample Preparation: Fostering a Sustainable Tomorrow in Analytical Sciences
H Martínez-Pérez-Cejuela, E Gionfriddo
Analytical Chemistry 96 (20), 7840-7863
NH Godage, SS Qian, E Cudjoe, E Gionfriddo
ACS Measurement Science Au 4 (1), 127-135
64-ExTech 2023, Celebrating 25 Years of Innovation in Extraction Technologies
E Gionfriddo
LCGC NORTH AMERICA 41 (11), 479-479
ML Williams, AA Olomukoro, RV Emmons, NH Godage, E Gionfriddo
Journal of Separation Science 46 (23), 2300571
NH Godage, E Cudjoe, T Chau, E Gionfriddo
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 415 (18), 4423-4434
AA Olomukoro, C DeRosa, E Gionfriddo
Analytica Chimica Acta 1260, 341206
60- Rapid Screening and Quantification of PFAS Enabled by SPME-DART-MS
RV Emmons, W Fatigante, AA Olomukoro, B Musselman, E Gionfriddo
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
59- Practical Aspects for SPME Method Development in Complex Samples
A Kasperkiewicz, S Lendor, E Gionfriddo
In Evolution of Solid Phase Microextraction Technology (pp. 32-74). The Royal Society of Chemistry
J Renukuntla, S Peterson-Sockwell, BA Clark, NH Godage, E Gionfriddo
Pharmaceutics 15 (4), 1043
J Crucello, NMFM Sampaio, IM Junior, RM Carvalho, E Gionfriddo, P Marriott, LW Hantao
Journal of Chromatography A 1692, 463844
56- Chapter 5 - Sample preparation in a green perspective
Orfeas-Evangelos Plastiras, Emanuela Gionfriddo, Victoria F. Samanidou
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2023, 1-12
55- Threshold Concepts in Analytical Chemistry
MJ Claus, J Monahan, RJ Whelan, MF Vitha, E Gionfriddo
Green Approaches for Chemical Analysis, 2023, 151-172
RV Emmons, E Karaj, E Cudjoe, DS Bell, LMV Tillekeratne, E Gionfriddo
Journal of Chromatography A 1685, 463636
53- Sample preparation in a green perspective
OE Plastiras, E Gionfriddo, VF Samanidou
Green Approaches for Chemical Analysis, 151-172
52- Mentorship in the Time of Covid-19: Finding the Silver Lining
E Gionfriddo
LC GC NORTH AMERICA 40 (6), 274-274
51- Biocompatible SPME coupled to GC/MS for analysis of xenobiotics in blood plasma
NH Godage, E Gionfriddo
Journal of Chromatography B, 123308
50- Unraveling the Complex Composition of Produced Water by Specialized Extraction Methodologies
RV Emmons, GS Shyam Sunder, T Liden, KA Schug, TY Asfaha, JR Kirchhoff, E Gionfriddo*
Environmental Science & Technology
AA Olomukoro, RV Emmons, NH Godage, E Cudjoe, E Gionfriddo*
Journal of Chromatography A, 462335
RV Emmons, E Gionfriddo*
Science of The Total Environment 775, 145789
47-Direct immersion thin film solid phase microextraction of polychlorinated n-alkanes in cod liver oil
D Gruszecka, J Grandy, E Gionfriddo, V Singh, J Pawliszyn
Food Chemistry 353, 129244
46-In vivo analytical techniques facilitated by contemporary materials
NH Godage, AA Olomukoro, RV Emmons, E Gionfriddo*
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 116290
45- Analysis of food samples made easy by microextraction technologies directly coupled to mass spectrometry
E Gionfriddo, GA Gómez‐Ríos
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2020;e4665
44- Green analytical solutions for sample preparation: solid phase microextraction and related techniques
E Gionfriddo
Physical Sciences Reviews 5 (8)
43- Application of in vivo solid phase microextraction (SPME) in capturing metabolome of apple (Malus× domestica Borkh.) fruit
S Risticevic, EA Souza-Silva, E Gionfriddo, JR DeEll, J Cochran, W S Hopkins, J Pawliszyn
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-11
42- Biocompatible SPME fibers for direct monitoring of nicotine and its metabolites at ultra-trace concentration in rabbit plasma following the application of smoke cessation formulations
NH Godage, E Cudjoe, R Neupane, SHS Boddu, PK Bolla, J Renukuntla, E Gionfriddo
Journal of Chromatography A, 461333
41 - Biocompatible Microextraction Devices for Simple and Green Analysis of Complex Systems
E Gionfriddo
LC-GC North America - Vol. 38 Number s6 June 2020
40- Development of Alternative Green Sample Preparation Techniques
E Gionfriddo
Separations 7 (2), 31
39- Use of natural sorbents as alternative and green extractive materials: A Critical Review
NH Godage, E Gionfriddo
Analytica Chimica Acta
38-Optimization of thin film solid phase microextraction and data deconvolution methods for accurate characterization of organic compounds in produced water
RV Emmons, T Liden, KA Schug, E Gionfriddo
Journal of Separation Science, 2020
37-Blue light-triggered photochemistry and cytotoxicity of retinal
K Ratnayake, JL Payton, ME Meger, NH Godage, KK Rajanayake, D Isailovic, E Gionfriddo, A Karunarathne
Cellular Signalling 69, 109547
36- Solid phase microextraction coating
JB Pawliszyn, E Gionfriddo, E Boyaci
US Patent 10,545,077
35- Direct-immersion SPME in soy milk for pesticide analysis at trace levels by means of a matrix-compatible coating
E Gionfriddo, D Gruszecka, X Li, J Pawliszyn
Talanta, 2020, 211, 120746
RV Emmons, R Tajali, E Gionfriddo
Separations 6 (3), 39
A Khaled, E Gionfriddo, V Acquaro Jr, V Singh, J Pawliszyn
Analytica chimica acta 1056, 34-46
32- Exploring the Efficiency of Various Extraction Approaches for Determination of Crude (4-methylcyclohexyl) methanol (MCHM) Constituents in Environmental Samples
RV Emmons, AM Devasurendra, NH Godage, E Gionfriddo
LC GC NORTH AMERICA 37 (4), 28-+
31-Fast screening of illicit drugs in beverages and biological fluids by direct coupling of thin film microextraction to dielectric barrier discharge ionization-mass spectrometry
MF Mirabelli, E Gionfriddo, J Pawliszyn, R Zenobi
Analyst, 2019, 144, 2788-2796
30- Recent developments and applications of solid phase microextraction as a sample preparation approach for mass-spectrometry-based metabolomics and lipidomics
N Reyes-Garcés, E Gionfriddo
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry- 113, 172-181
29- A critical outlook on recent developments and applications of matrix compatible coatings for Solid Phase Microextraction
NH Godage, E Gionfriddo
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2019 - 111, 220-228
A Khaled, E Gionfriddo, V Acquaro Jr, V Singh, J Pawliszyn
Analytica Chimica Acta - 1056, 34-46
H. Piri-Moghadam, E Gionfriddo, J. J.Grandy, Md. N. Alam, J Pawliszyn
Journal of Chromatography A - 1579, 20-30
E Gionfriddo, ÉA Souza-Silva, TD Ho, JL Anderson, J Pawliszyn
Talanta 188 (2018) 522–530
L Zhang, E Gionfriddo, V Acquaro, J Pawliszyn
Analytica Chimica Acta 1031(2018)83e9
A Naccarato, E Gionfriddo, R Elliani, J Pawliszyn, G Sindona, A Tagarelli
Journal of Separation Science 41 (4), 929-939
MF Mirabelli, E Gionfriddo, J Pawliszyn, R Zenobi
Analyst 143 (4), 891-899
22- Advances in solid phase microextraction and perspective on future directions
N Reyes-Garcés, E Gionfriddo, GA Gómez-Ríos, MN Alam, E Boyacı, B Bojko, V Singh, J Grandy, J Pawliszyn
Analytical Chemistry 90 (1), 302-360
Solid phase microextraction coating
JB Pawliszyn, E Gionfriddo, E Boyaci
US Patent App. 15/446,972
J Pawliszyn, E Gionfriddo
LC GC NORTH AMERICA 35 (8), 519-521
GA Gómez-Ríos, E Gionfriddo, J Poole, J Pawliszyn
Analytical Chemistry 89 (13), 7240-7248
19- A new and efficient Solid Phase Microextraction approach for analysis of high fat content food samples using a matrix-compatible coating
S De Grazia, E Gionfriddo, J Pawliszyn
Talanta 167, 754-760
H Piri-Moghadam, E Gionfriddo, A Rodriguez-Lafuente, JJ Grandy, H L Lord, T Obal, J Pawliszyn
Analytica Chimica Acta 964, 74-84
17- New generation of solid-phase microextraction coatings for complementary separation approaches: a step toward comprehensive metabolomics and multiresidue Analyses in Complex Matrices
E Gionfriddo, E Boyacı, J Pawliszyn
Analytical Chemistry 89 (7), 4046-4054
ÉA Souza-Silva, E Gionfriddo, MN Alam, J Pawliszyn
Analytical Chemistry 89 (5), 2978-2985
15- Towards on-site analysis of complex matrices by solid-phase microextraction-transmission mode coupled to a portable mass spectrometer via direct analysis in real time
GA Gómez-Ríos, T Vasiljevic, E Gionfriddo, M Yu, J Pawliszyn
Analyst 142 (16), 2928-2935
14- Coupling solid phase microextraction to complementary separation platforms for metabotyping of E. coli metabolome in response to natural antibacterial agents
F Mousavi, E Gionfriddo, E Carasek, EA Souza-Silva, J Pawliszyn
Metabolomics 12 (11), 169
13- A facile and fully automated on-fiber derivatization protocol for direct analysis of short-chain aliphatic amines using a matrix compatible solid-phase microextraction coating
E Gionfriddo, A Passarini, J Pawliszyn
Journal of Chromatography A 1457, 22-28
12- Solid phase microextraction on-fiber derivatization using a stable, portable, and reusable pentafluorophenyl hydrazine standard gas generating vial
JJ Poole, JJ Grandy, GA Gómez-Ríos, E Gionfriddo, J Pawliszyn
Analytical Chemistry 88 (13), 6859-6866
11- Methodical evaluation and improvement of matrix compatible PDMS-overcoated coating for direct immersion solid phase microextraction gas chromatography (DI-SPME-GC)-based applications
ÉA Souza-Silva, E Gionfriddo, R Shirey, L Sidisky, J Pawliszyn
Analytica Chimica Acta 920, 54-62
10- A critical review of the state of the art of solid-phase microextraction of complex matrices I. Environmental analysis
EA Souza-Silva, R Jiang, A Rodriguez-Lafuente, E Gionfriddo, J Pawliszyn
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 71, 224-235
9- A critical review of the state of the art of solid-phase microextraction of complex matrices II. Food analysis
ÉA Souza-Silva, E Gionfriddo, J Pawliszyn
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 71, 236-248
8- Headspace versus direct immersion solid phase microextraction in complex matrixes: Investigation of analyte behavior in multicomponent mixtures
E Gionfriddo, EA Souza-Silva, J Pawliszyn
Analytical Chemistry 87 (16), 8448-8456
7- A fast and simple solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry method for the assay of urinary markers of glutaric acidemias
A Naccarato, E Gionfriddo, R Elliani, G Sindona, A Tagarelli
Journal of Chromatography A 1372, 253-259
6- Determination of hydrazine in drinking water: Development and multivariate optimization of a rapid and simple solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry protocol
E Gionfriddo, A Naccarato, G Sindona, A Tagarelli
Analytica chimica acta 835, 37-45
5- Development of needle trap technology for on-site determinations: active and passive sampling
S Asl-Hariri, GA Gómez-Ríos, E Gionfriddo, P Dawes, J Pawliszyn
Analytical Chemistry 86 (12), 5889-5897
4- Simultaneous determination of benzothiazoles, benzotriazoles and benzosulfonamides by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry in environmental aqueous matrices and human urine
A Naccarato, E Gionfriddo, G Sindona, A Tagarelli
Journal of Chromatography A 1338, 164-173
3- Development of a simple and rapid solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography–triple quadrupole mass spectrometry method for the analysis of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in human urine
A Naccarato, E Gionfriddo, G Sindona, A Tagarelli
Analytica chimica acta 810, 17-24
2- A reliable solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography–triple quadrupole mass spectrometry method for the assay of selenomethionine and selenomethylselenocysteine in aqueous extracts: difference between selenized and not-enriched selenium potatoes
E Gionfriddo, A Naccarato, G Sindona, A Tagarelli
Analytica chimica acta 747, 58-66
1- Multistage mass spectrometry in quality, safety and origin of foods
Aiello, D.; De Luca., D; Gionfriddo, E.; Naccarato, A.; Napoli, A.; Romano, E.; Russo, A.; Sindona, G.; Tagarelli, A.
European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 17 (1), 1-31